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I can't get past the brain swelling police officer. This fight is really hard. Any tips? I'm really enjoying it btw.

With all honesty, i cant guarantee that you can beat that fight if you haven't already gotten enough experience from beating all the other fights, which is something i overlooked and im gonna have to fix in the next update.

but if you do have all the experience the strategy basically boils down to making sure that at the end of every turn, he is either uneasy or stunned by using the baggins stare or using the slap (which is somewhat of a risk because it doesnt always stun) , if he is, every turn that you are not uneasy and have enough tp to use the "haymaker" skill, use it. otherwise if you are uneasy or just dont have enough tp to use the haymaker just slap him. or if you cant do any of that then rest, doing it like that you can sometimes even get through without any items, and it helps if you drink at the sinks and rest at the beds beforehand to gain back your sp and health.

Thank you for playing my videogame creamsoda!