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I'll be blunt that there's a ton of issues here. Enemy AI is borderline non-existent, the game is sort of broken in half just by kicking once and punching over and over, the training mode is... kind of pointless *and* broken on a mechanical level? That and while I get using AI art to hit the deadline, almost none of the art comes together in a pleasing way. Plus, the hover-over audio for the main character is... a little weird, if I'm being blunt?

I'm being harsh, but it's cause the idea of a mech-based fighting game is an absolutely wonderful idea; I just think with a bit more time in the oven, there could be something really nice here.


Thanks for playing and for your suggestion. I really appreciate when people tell me how think really are.. About punching I made a little change in the post-jam to make it slower. The AI is not the best (I know) but still work a little bit. During the jam I was learning Stable Diffusion( installed locally) and that why some art is not the best.. but next time I will improve myself.