I played a solo game today with the following Warcults:
Pale Druids: Dreth the Oracle, Blood Priest, Pistol Priest, Runner.
Black Maw: Musician (leader), Dread Beast, Berserker, Skeleton Warrior.
In the first round the Pale Druids managed to get to the first objective and set up the Pistol Priest to offer the Runner cover. They made good use of Dreth's Seer rule meaning they could reroll activation.
The Black Maw then secured an objective with the Berserker, who had the Musician by their side. The Pistol Priest took some pot shots at the Musician but failed. The Pale Druids Runner secured and started moving the relic while Dreth climbed a building, nearly at one more objective.
The Runner eventually made it off the edge, Dreth secured the objective and the Blood Priest made their way to their third objective. However, the skeleton warrior managed to overtake them and get to the objective. The Pistol Priest hit the Berserker who was moving towards the edge, but the Musician managed to wound the Pistol Priest.
The Dread Beast was away from the fight attempting (and failing) to secure an objective. I regret not having it rush in and start wailing on the Pistol Priest, but ah well. The Musician got shot and was taken out of action. The Skeleton Warrior secured an objective and wounded the Blood Priest, who would then go on to become out of action. Dreth got off the edge of the board.
The Pistol Priest ended up going out of action, leaving the Pale Druids with two relics secured, meaning the Black Maw won by default.