Hey, not sure if the game is considered finished now but I'm just wondering if there are any other plans for it?
I've played through a few times now, and I do definitely enjoy it. That said I think it would be nice to see more of what the game has to offer, maybe even just lengthening the storyline a little (on a few occasions I've gotten to the picnic site before "Pepper" even leaves, yet she's nowhere to be seen).
EDIT: also I've played through a couple different choicepaths and it kind of feels like 'Pepper' never "officially" breaks up with "M-Guy" [wasn't sure what to put]. I might not get NTR completely maybe, but even a line that says something like "Heyy "M-Guy", sooo after spending my night with "Beast", I kinda realised how much I don't think we could be together anymore... (and so on)", maybe followed by a snarky message from "Beast" flaunting his victory.
Maybe there could be something like a "Beast" love/trust/respect/etc." Meter? I know there's the "M-Guy" one but maybe Certain interactions can make "Pepper" trust "Beast" or make her more wary of him.
EDIT: ^ kinda didn't realise this is already paired with the existing "love" meter, whoops.
I do enjoy the game a lot, the controls are pretty good, and I definitely feel like this game has a lot of potential.
I do respect if you're done with it for now, however :)
Edit 2: Swapped names to help avoid issues.