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In an effort to help with this, I replicated the problem and now I'm locked out of rating any submission that's not an executable. Found no way so far to fix it other than hope everyone makes their submissions register as executables as opposed to the documents they actually are...which I did so I can confirm this is actually the case so please let me know if you now see Crawl in your rating queue...assuming you didn't get a chance to rate it before you stumbled into this problem.

I appreciate the effort. Sorry it got you locked out of rating too. I have already rated Crawl :)

I got a good 70 entries rated which I think is good going so it's not too bad. I just know what it's like to voice a problem in the community tab and not have any real help with it. Thank you for your rating. Hope you liked it as much as I like your Illusionist class, that was such a fun idea!