Sorry erm I do use discord but I'm a child and my parents don't want me on any servers but I do have a YouTube still not allowed to make videos but it still works out, but maybe you can give me the audio files? (I'm 11 btw)
You can find audio files in the game folders through DATA>Music, but they're in wav format, so I don't know if you can play them on your phone.
However, since a couple of people requested OST to be specifically on youtube, I can try to make it, but I'm not really good at making vids, so it can take a couple of days.
Hello. I'm sorry I said I'll do the video and never did. I feel kinda bad, like I was lying and then just abandoned everyone. I had a terrible couple of weeks (mental health issues, etc) so I was offline for the most part, so I completely forgot about the OST.
If you mean album cover (for the vid, I assume?), then I'd love to see what you can come up with! You can post it here in the comments.