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I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go. A lot of the times it isn't clear enough what are walls and what are passages. I understand it's the archways of the ruins but that made me try to bump into everything and slowly drag myself next to every wall. I know the color palette was limited but it would be nice to see other colors (perhaps as hints for the player) to break the green monotony.

Hello Chairish Games. Thank you for the important feedback on our wall and archway art, and our chosen color palette!

As for now, there is no end game. There were plans for a different boss on each floor. If you can find the empty cave area, that's where the level's boss would've spawned (it spawns every time regardless of map shape). 

There was also a plan for the player to be able to buy upgrades and abilities from a shopkeeper on each level.

Let me know if you think these ideas sound like an improvement!