Heya! So, I couldn't complete my game in time, for the second jam in a row. But ! I do have a (vry, vry, VRY) small demo I can at least show yall! Now, onto the other stuff!
Pretty much everything honestly. At no point did I hit any hurdles that couldn't be solved via googling/ my own tinkering. I definitely had gotten better about understanding what and what I cannot do during the time given, while still trying new things!
The only thing that didn't work out was the music aspect of the game. I just don't feel as though I'm really cut out for it currently, and trying to do it with my current set up isn't very practical, but aside from that nothing really went "wrong" per say. At the end of the day the only thing that stopped me from completing my game at all, heck, from completing it early, was my own life and laziness getting in the way. There are still things I'm not completely happy with my game so far, and I'm gonna be honest I'm not actually that big on Twine as I was at the start. Html and css are confusing to me, and I don't know enough about how to use either to really use Twine that effectively, or the way I want to, so until I learn how to use them both to my advantage, I can defo see me putting twine on the bench next time round.
Hm, if I'm being completely honest? Despite it being a completely new game engine as well as a genre I'm not very comfortable with, I didn't actually learn that much I feel like, which is kinda disappointing . Like I said I couldn't really get my head around html and stuff in twine aside from basic stuff or things I found from googling, and so I can't really say I learned from that, by far the most adventurous thing I did was the music, but I had to drop it 'cuz it just didn't work out.
So, comparing this jam from last jam I definitely felt like I was a lot more aware of my limitations, however, I feel like that sorta stopped me, in some sense? I was heavily over ambitious last jam and it kinda showed since even now, the game is still in heavy development limbo, but I also learned so much more because of that, because it was so out of my comfort zone, while this year I feel like I played it too safe? Like, writing isn't hard for me, or even time consuming depending on what it is. What took writing so long last jam was because I had to write four different characters with four different personalities, each with multiple strings of dialogue. This jams game had 1 character and no dialogue, and so it was much much easier to write, and that at the end of the day is all this game is, writing. So the question for me now is "What do I do then?" and the truth is... Idk! I have to find some sort of middle ground I suppose. Where that middle ground is I'm not sure, but I have a feeling I'm gonna try to find it next jam. See ya there !
Here's the link to the demo!