Lots of spelling errors and grammar errors.
Useless quality sliders, you can just click 4 buttons no need for that extra slider
The sliders for sound are too thin
Buttons don't feel satisfying to click, even a little sparkle or depress animation would do it
Camera is extremely obnoxious, it gave me a bit of dizziness.
The floating button prompts are paperthin, this doesn't look good, and don't account for pc inputs. Even though you recommend controller, some people use physical aid devices to control videogames, so any button prompts should display the actual bound key (even if it is like mouse4 or something), and not your own preset key image. Heck, I recommend getting rid of the prompts altogether, and making the dialogue boxes pop up automatically (but with an easy way to skip it)
It's too easy to accidentaly leave the controls information popup. I click twice on the "keyboard" tab and it's gone.
"Unreal-quirk ghost jump": When you press and let go of the jump button, then during said jump animation press and let go of the jump button again, the character jumps one additional time, delayed. This feels foolish.
The bouncing off obstacles your character slams into is satisfying though.
The dive jump seems like it was taken inspiration from, from Mario 64. I would have preffered some interactivity here, manually deciding when to jump after the dive with the jump button.
I like the collectables, satisfying to see and pick up. Would have preferred them more grouped up and spread in fun ways though, like finding a cluster of them, so you walk in a small circle to collect 5 of them for example.
And yes I made the dive jump with a regular jump. I tried the stick jump but it was very hard. I only later figured out you have to jump, then use the stick..
I don't think using an intended gameplay mechanic can be called "unconvential", mr dialogue box.
You should lock the character for dialogue boxes.
The water looks nice, but a bit too much like resin.
I hit the spikes but nothing happened? No red effect around the screen or nothing..
When you introduce a gimmick like the stick jump, usually you would make a puzzle game around it. I would have loved a pogo trampoline mechanic.
Overall, pretty unfun considering you force the player to play and execute moves to get the objective stones exactly how you want them, with no real freedom of choice.
I bet at some kind of public demonstration of this game, there were a lot of "don't worry just skip this stone, noone here could get it either"