Uploaded 2 videos this time! Decided to leave some music on the background this time around (though the audio mixing in general is really poor, I did no editing, really)
This time I went for a more "normalpilled" build, lots of boosting and flying around. First video is third person while the second video I tried out first person gameplay. I *really* like that you give the option to play in first person even if it's very difficult. I really like when mech games let you do that. Also I've finally been corrupted by the Large Missile.
Something I desperately would love to be fixed is that first person gun audio is absolutely cranked out to max. I don't want to reduce the SFX volume too much since I rely on it a lot on gameplay but playing in first person almost requires it due to the insane audio mixing (probably due to the camera proximity)
Also, I don't know if it's intentional but I feel like stability in general could really benefit with a buff? Stability goes down VERY easily no matter what build I make for some reason and, of course, it really messes with aiming. I think having it be just a tad less punitive would really make the game easier to mess around with different builds since I feel the big problem whenever I try something different is that stability makes accuracy terrible (maybe I'm missing something very obvious here with my builds, I don't know). It feels at odds with the general gameplay since you're supposed to fly around and boost a lot but both of those things give you a massive stability hit even though it's main way you move around, which means its very difficult to hit enemies. If this is how its supposed to work in order to incentivize the player into something then I fully understand because I might just not be getting it, and that's fine tbh.
Funnily enough, that ground type gameplay I uploaded before gives me less stability problems since I can rely on melee weapons more (due to being more grounded) but I also take less of a hit to stability since I'm not in the air most of the time.