I do have a theory!!! I think it's the pod!... If it was created in the technology boom, it would mean it would have had one of the entities within it! Byte! Maybe he was extracted put into the pod and imediteally tested on with the... Well, Burnt to a crisp body of our protag Alex! I still don't fully understand how the entities function, but I do think it would still make sense... Since Byte seems kinda of in denial about his whole identity by the end... Maybe it truly never crossed his mind that he was just like the full called "demons" in his core foundation, he did think they where the same as in being both AI, but just that... Operating in Alex while also tricking himself into believing he was an AI... I mean, Glitch even called him naive.
This was written late at night and might be a bit of nonsensical rumbling I just need to write my thoughts down hope they make sense...