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(2 edits)

I've tested the warrior quite a lot, and have to say, it's way weaker than the other classes. Because:
1. The most viable build I've found is stacking attack speed and finding The Impaler + Health and getting the 'every second hit is a hit in opposite direction' talent. And even then I'm not garanteed to win the run. 

2. Health Regen build sounds nice, but are not possible (as far as I've found). Health regen takes a LONG time to get low enough to be useful, even with the Stone Skin talent, and by then, you're always overwhelmed. With a strike/attack speed build, health regen is useless. Love the theme... but it really anti-synergizes met all the other abilities and a lot of perks. I'd say health regen needs to start lower, or needs to get 10% every time instead of 5%, or... some better talents? O, and the biggest problem: no XP when being hit, except for the talent, that only gives 25% (so you need to find 4 of them? - Impossible). Would love to see that talent be at least 50% XP on hit, and something more, to be able to get a 'get hit and win' build possible. Maybe some more synergy with parry?

3. I'd love to try Parry, but the node just doesn't spawn very often? For me, at least. Most of the board is full of other things. Parry is only usefull when you have loads of it - I've never managed to get it above 10-20%. Also, the talents that boost it are very weak. 5% extra parry when on a combo? Meh, sould be 10% or higher, imo. 10% extra when 50% health? That's nice, but how do you use that effectively? The idea of parry is great, but it falls to the same problem of Health Regen: it gives no immediate benefit (and you need that to survive), and takes too long to get going to be worth it against increasing waves. 

4. The rest of the abilities are fine, except that earthquake and whirlwind (while I love the theme of it) are pretty weak. They usually miss and don't do anything your sword can do. Why not make earthquake screen-wide? It doesn't do damage. 

5. The knockback-talent (5 damage with 1 meter knockback) is another one that feels bad. You need 15 knockback-nodes before it even does anything. If this is your first talent, forget about the run. 

At the end: Warrior already has trouble getting XP (so you can't build fast), and health regen is very difficult to build on. Parry doesn't actually ever show up on the board. Most builds of the warrior don't sync with each other, so getting health regen when there's only 'attack' talents, or vice versa, feels pretty bad, while the other classes all have things that work together well.

Maybe streamline? Or buff a whole load of talents that have to do with parry, regen and knockback. Maybe even incorporate the 'XP on hit' with regular health regen nodes? All in all the warrior is cool, because he's very different from the others, but really needs some more power.

Thank you so much for the feedback! We'll take the time to read this carefully. Most in depth and dynamic discussion happens over on the Discord if you're interested in bringing up these points over there.