Improved navigation, preparing for the push features
Today I have been responding to feedback and making changes to the AI navigation to safely implement the new push tool
I have added a new rule to the AI navigation when it moves. Now it must check whether it's next destination is inside an imaginary border. This stops the AI from getting too close to the edge of the map which made them un-sewable. They will always provide enough space to sew them from the sides of the screen.
Buttons cannot get close to the edge of the screens, purple lines showing where they try to move to
In addition to the new barrier, pushing enemies back into the map when they touch the edge, AI can never leave the map. They will always be accessible which is important in time sensitive missions
Pushing sheep is Baaad
This gif shows the new barrier keeping enemies in naturally as a last attempt to keep them in play. They bounce off to a space where they can be sewn from the edge.