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It's very barebones, though the music was quite jolly. There didn't appear to be any collision with enemies. Unfortunately, the camera didn't follow with the player, so I was unable to explore further. 

I looked at the prototype as well in order to get a better idea of what you were aiming for, and it was an intriguing concept - Switching between two forms whilst on a timer would be interesting, especially for level layouts. 

Based on what you have completed now, what would you build next to advance this project?


Thanks for reviewing and asking our future update fixes on the same as we are planning to work on more towards its unity fixes and UE4 integritiy process in in a more unique way.As New in Unity Game Dev,I had Faced with asset import issues and placing it in min. Time for same made to build game in least time as possible but got a an opportunity to built in it same provided me to understand it's requirement analysis and also it's unreal level design increases its unity graphic quality.