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(2 edits) (+3)

I have a few icks with this game.

It's hard to enjoy the Game when the boss can see me when I'm Inside a room hugging the opposite wall. Timing doesn't seem to matter at all. the "walk" mechanic feels like an aesthetic choice rather than a stealth mechanic.

The boss seems to not have a pattern. I feel like I had to wing it and get lucky.

I have a few suggestions because I dont like JUST complaining, its rude and unconstructive.

* Difficulty slider (enemies have more\less health\less perceptive)

* Aiming sensitivity slider.

* Cover/stealth mechanics.

* Objectives/Reminders/Hints

It's an awesome game and original. I hope you further improve this game because it hits the good spots.

sorry for complaining.

the boss should only be able to see u... when u are close to the door... but at itself he shouldn't be able to see u, at least i had no probs with the boss patterns.

the walking is good against the enemies with long tounge, cause they can only hear u, and when u run... the charge at u... so it kinda has stealth.

so i for myself only had a prob with quiting after u died xD