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Implied sex yes, don't worry, all the guys swing both ways since they don't care much on gender in their world. More of a species thing due to their bonding biology.

Explicit sex no haha I dont intend to draw dicks yet lol

Hi, may I ask what happened to the Bewitching Sinners webtoon? The link seems to be broken? (I came here from CUPID). Oh and also, do you happen to make webtoons? I thought I'd ask since I really like your art style and your creations' story appears to be interesting imo. ^^ 

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh, I deleted the Webtoon as it was previously for a competition but it has a clashing dialogue with this VN version so decided to delete it altogether for consistency's sake. I work as a writer for webtoon agencies as a day job, my most well-known work is probably Freak-Quency

My other published work is though this one story is more constrained by my boss.

Other works in production are my Muse the Merman upcoming on Inkfic and 4 others I can't state here due to NDA haha


ahaha X)) 
Will there be some text descriptions though?)


Some minor ones probably haha