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Bad Boliceman: It's been fun. Next time I see you on the street I know what we'll do with you. Hahaha.

Good Policeman: Or if you feel like it, drop by the police station from time to time, there are more men there you can satisfy.

Is this hinting at future content? It would be cool to visit Akra's police station in the future, & not just for the sex scenes with half of the cities police force in gangbangs. There could be new technology to acquire there, maybe new weapons or armor, or some other gizmos. The location could introduce some new NPCs as well, maybe a potential crewmate for the ship? The cops are huge bulls right? Raise your hand if you'd like to have a big strong muscley bull with big ass horns leave akra's police force to join you on your travels through space!

*raises hand*