(All my comment copy)
How can I replay boss battle?
Also can nene have pregnant only from black bunny?
Where can I get(how to get) bigger penis?
(on android mobile)
And is there way to make nene always erection?
What ever
We need more explain about each icon such as big egg icon
First time I had a hard time to understand meaninf of it
by the way korean Translate is si good
Nice work
So I'm very happy to waiting new update
However one thing I feel bad is difficult to restart boss battle
How can start it? And how to get rapped by boss? Only ouliea rale nene during fight? (And only she can make nene pregnant?)
And it is very difficult to find out penis items
I hope nene can fuck more characters on map(i mean on play, not on option menu) and it should be not illustration
Pixel animation was not bad
Waiting Content:
More fuck(or rape)
More fucked(or raped by boss)
More item
More explain about icon
Easy button or way for replay boss battle
Sex during boss girl battle
more common sex
More funny pregnant contents
More story&interaction&reaction about nene's pregnant
not only boss, girl character as common enemy on field
Emotion(?) gets more value interaction (pee, cum, dance etc)
Like a boss did once, can nene use cum as skill? (When she has big egg)
Is there planed more interaction story or quest about fox sister?