Day 10/11
Finished the new in-game cooking! One thing turned out more complicated than I thought: Combined resources. In game players can find different kinds of mushrooms and different bottles of water. Some recipes combine these different items - any mushroom or water will do, so to speak. This made things pretty complicate, some future refactoring will be needed to treat such subtypes properly.
Other than that, everything went pretty smooth. I added some nice card turning animation, indicating the switch between "normal" card and cooking mode - an effect I will adapt for other cards as well.
The following recording shows the process of collecting the right resouces (mushrooms) for a recipe and cooking them into a more valuable type of food (roasted mushrooms). Have a look at the number in inventory bottom area when I hover the mushrooms to see the before-after values. I also craft a sharp stick from a branch with my knife, as this is the second item needed to roast the mushroom over fire.
(itch has many serious issues - one is embedded YT videos. When the vid doesn't start, hop over to YouTube by choosing the option at the bottom of the video)
I was using the Game Editor again to "cheat" a Fireplace next to the player. In a real game, some specific resources are needed to craft one, in particular a stump. This one you will only get when you cut down a tree with an axe. All of this isn't avaiable at the start of game, that's why I use the Editor to create quick test scenerios as I need them (psss... you can use it too, if you want - nobody is watching. Well, maybe some zombies, but they won't tell anybody...).
And 2nd thing I added is a "Touch Support" option in the start screen. It offers players touch-friendly movement controls as alternatives to WASD keyboard input. The game from now on isn't limited to big screens any more (and I can finally play it on my Windows Surface without connecting the keyboard - yay!).