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This game perfectly captures the unbridled chaos of a good D&D adventure! Shenanigans from beginning to end, and full of fun references. I am definitely looking forward to the complete game, and curious where this adventure takes us!

I liked all the LIs - Baz and Algernon were fantastically chaotic, and Viriam was amusingly non-chaotic. (I actually liked him a lot more than anticipated - sorry Clove, we are definitely getting back together with our ex! XD) I would totally date Fern too if I could, but more power to them for not getting sucked into this hot mess of dating party members. The group dynamics between all the cast members were really fantastic and well written, and all the characters are really compelling.

Fantastic voice acting, especially from Fern with their rage and the cute duck. (I neeeeed to know whats up with the duck!) The UI was neat, I loved the little text boxes!

I played this on Android, and the game worked well and the text was easy to read! The menu buttons were a bit small, but I also have a small phone. I did notice a few bugs, the biggest was during Baz's conversation on peanuts, his sprite was set low and cut off the text box. I think it has to do with skipping, and when I hit back until the start of the scene it fixed itself. During character creation the bald sprite jumped to the right. The menu drop-down sometimes closed after hitting "back" to scroll back text, but not under all conditions.