Just finished playing! Good job! I really liked the story-approach you took with the game. The gameplay was definitely a bullet hell but I spammed away at the 'J' key (interesting key for shoot I think spacebar may be better) and was able to dodge the bullets quite well. I passed through easily enough and Mr.Roboto and I were on our way to make some BIG SPACE BUCKS.
Then, I decided to play a second time because I was curious see what would happen if I'd lose. So I purposely tried hitting as many bullets as possible. It got to a point where I think the ship got hit of of the axis and started flying further and further into the background until its just barely visible.(it also slowly moved to the right if that helps with troubleshooting) All of the music stopped and enemies don't spawn but the scrolling still worked. (Picture for reference)
I think if you don't have it already a different story ending for if you died would be really cool followed by an option to retry. I think the story was overall fun and who doesn't love a robot assistant? I really liked all the layers of sound and the music for the story portions of the game was fitting.
MVP defiantly Mr. Roboto. That guy makes some good coffee.