Dev Log to round out July.
So after considering how much I would be able to make, I sort of cut down on my concept. I work full time, and would have two or thee hours of creative time during the evenings to work on a game. Thats a fair amount, but I get worn out somewhat by my work. What I'm doing is making some static sprite concepts and a piece of a level.
I dont really know how to animate this stuff. Or really anything outside of placing objects. Which is fine, because its better than nothing. It looks terrible, haha.
My concept became an electrical worker who needs to power cycle three obstacles to restart the local powerplant to his hometown. Along the way, he has to use powerups (carried in a backpack) to use in cycling power supplies, generators, or locks. Opposing forces? These dudes wearing those rubber horse heads. Why? Because its so far fetched that its funny to me. They're told to get his powerups from someone who wants to route all the power through his plant.
First obstacle: a draw bridge stuck raised.
Second: Don't know.
Third: a large padlock, unlocking a door into the power station, which has a puzzle to restart everything.
So yeah, as you can see, this isn't much of anything. lol. I'd need to learn an engine to make a functioning prototype. But really, I want to storyboard the bigger concept and write a screenplay.