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Hi Kat. I am truly flattered by your kind words. :)
Actually, I am making something else. I have been working on my second game for almost two years now.
(I know, one should never undertake such a vast and ambitious project as a second game, and yet here I am.)
It's somehow related to the story of Lockwood and the Blind One and so on.
I hope to kinda finish it within the current year, and I'd like to start showing something as soon as possible (uhm, I wonder if this website has a section for posting work in progress too); but I keep putting this thing off because I’m so busy developing the game itself that I don’t have much time left to promote it. :D
So far, the only thing I shared is a ridiculously short teaser: 


Oh, goodness, I'll be looking forward to this, best of luck on such a large undertaking!!


Thank you!!! :)