Hi ! First of all, I'd like to thank you for this cool looking game, I just started playing and I'm already so intrigued by the story and amazed by its design.
I have a question about the sidelocks... I know I could be stupid sometimes but I really can't figure out what to do ^^' I'm not really familiar with the system and I don't really know what buttons should I be using, I'd be grateful for your help and guidance :)
Edit : My stupid self finally figured out how to open them ! Yay ! Though the game keeps crushing sometimes and the more I advance in the game the more frequently it happens.
Edit2 : I just realized that it was a bug that was preventing me from opening the sidelocks. Sometimes, no matter what button I push, nothing happens, but when I reload the game I finally manage to get the sidelock minigame to work. I thought I'd report this little bug.