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(1 edit)

My old computer has given me countless headaches. Today all of RPG Maker got messed up (and the whole computer too) because Steam Web Helper decided to consume an insane amount of ram and cpu, and I was offline with almost nothing open. Actually this is something normal every day, but it frustrates me because I use the least amount of programs possible so that in my work sessions it doesn't happen, and yet it does.

Something that has kept me "terrified" of getting into making the scenes of the game, is the fact that to insert images (pictures called in the folders) you have to place them with XY coordinates. I would have preferred an interface to place the pictures, position them manually, I hope it's understandable. But, I already realized how the XY coordinates work based on the custom resolution that I have of the game (it is not the base resolution of rpg maker MV). Maybe MZ already improved this. Anyway, now I work with this part without fear.

As it was seen in the screenshots, the backgrounds are very simple, and that's why... I'd better not try to make backgrounds if they are going to be very basic. I have in mind a way to present the visuals in the game without introducing 'normal' backgrounds, only elements like characters or objects. I have to test this way of putting backgrounds, because it will be much better than basic backgrounds from someone who doesn't know how to draw backgrounds. Well, I still have a lot to learn when drawing characters, but at least there I disguise it as best I can.

Those are the midnight comments. I didn't have internet all afternoon, next time I'll make these posts earlier.

Today's image is Dess in her final moments before getting her hair changed.

My colleagues say that her current hair makes her look like a man. It wasn't the intention, but it's interesting. Anyway I consider her current hair much better than what she had before.

All right, bedtime. The development continues tomorrow. My friends were upset when I told them I subtracted sleep hours to work more, and they are right when they were upset. I'm not good at staying awake with sleep anyway.