It is unfinished. I just bumped it to 1.0 because I planned to leave it how it is now.
The level is completed when all blocks are broken, but that gets not detected yet.
Level two is unreachable.
TNT, ball and multiplyer blocks are not implemented and behave like a normal block, those get generated in random levels.
Directions can only be mirrored yet, even though the ball can move in 24 directions.
If ball hits center top or bottom of a block collision gets detected when the ball center is inside the block, that's a bug.
When hitting a block the ball only gets mirrored vertically which leads to some weird behavior with blocks that do not instanly vanish.
If a button is pressed too fast it might not get detected.
Controls are (Game Boy keys):
A and B: select menu item
up/down: navigate through menu
A: shoot ball
left/right: control paddle
B+left/right: move faster
top: move paddle to left most position
bottom: move paddle to right most position
There are also cheat:
A+down: toggle ball speed
A+left: mirror direction horizontally
A+up: mirror direction vertically