I'm glad you feel that way, though I'm so suprised you like Rhea and not Judy, I kindda felt they were too similar.
Actually, you wrote two very different characters. Rhea, gets humanized pretty early on thanks to Joy, since the first personality trait she gets is being in love she's pretty sympathetic. Moreover, although she is pretty scummy you actually have to seek her out to see it, she doesn't try to decieve you or fuck you over on her own volition, besides when Rhea is shitty she is so in a personable way, she is very horny for Luce and Magna, she bitches at Juna despite her obvious atrtraction for her, she spies on you althoiugh you are allies only to offer immediate solutions to you, her associate are either disinterested or greedy for both of them respect you and are forthright within reason, everything she does is understandable even if you dissapprove and you can see where she is coming from and she is very open about her intentions and her motives as well, she even comforts you about your mom, pretty badly but she tries.
Judy does exactly the same but twisted, the first serious trait she has when you first can actually talk to her is her love for her sister, however she says this in the context of explaining how she sold her like a cut of meat, Amy is fine with it but she doesn't know that because she didn't tell her. Second trait is spouting how much better she is than the Viscounts, despite doing the exact same shit with the exact same methods and also being so in bed with them sehe might as well be their footstool, (and Rhea herself, the one she apparently deasl with, being far kinder), then she explains how much she wants to protect their people which is nice and all but she goes about it very badly?. She claims to be lying everything in the open and her first show of that id knocking the MC out even though she knows you know about the Dream magic, she had no reason to do it, then introducing her associates, only the Cat is sympathetic, tghe other two being selfish, but that's not the problem, they lead you on constantly for again no reason, and she doesn't give a shit. Then she plans on having you make two girls she knows you know personally into sex slaves for doing to her what she does to everyone else, evn when she knows for a fact they are no threat. in fact she constantly lies tou you even in cases, where everyone else would know that you would help for again no reason.
Honestly it kinds of boils down to self-awareness, Rhea knows when she does bad shit and she acknowledges that she does it for herself, not for some greater good. Judy doesn't even seem to realize, quite literally anything, she doesn't seem to connect that you are not your father and don't want the same things, she constanty fucks you over for no reason despite claiming to need your alliance, effectively compromising what she claims to defend for no agin at all, she claims to act for the Greater Good while 2/3 of what she does serves no purpose except fucking someone over. The most salient example of these is when she claims that her, Rhea and you are "Dirty and Underhanded", but Rhea is underhanded but surprisingly clean and the MC literally only keeps secrets for someone else's sake and is otherwise unerringly honest. It's like she doesn't realize she is a terrible person, like the thought can't ennter her mind. I actually ,like this dynamic a lot, they make for excellent foils to each other. You are very good at writing characters!
I'm so glad to hear it! The little details are some of the things I really enjoy, so I'm glad to see it doesn't fall on deaf ears. I'm glad people don't just like or dislike all the same characters, and seem to have their own reasons for each. I hope Judith's story is still modestly entertaining when it develops more.