I think this is a great game and has tons of developmental potential. it would be great if you could add:
- American aircraft like the P-47, P-38 and P-51
- More British aircraft like a Spitfire MKIII+, Mosquito, typhoon/tempest and bombers
- more buildings in Dover and have them destructible
- more flak guns
- the ability to spawn on the ground
- more boats (that might be able to shoot) that are sinkable
- (big ask) An aircraft carrier with aircraft like seafires and sea furies that you can spawn, takeoff and land from/on
I know that's a lot and no-one could ever do that but this gave is amazing and I would love to see it progress. Also I don't know how to use the slow-mo, I tried al sorts of combinations of the * and / but couldn't get it to work. otherwise great job!