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Well, the game is kinda... below mediocre; like I don't mean from art or mechanics side; but the gameplay as an overall, the game doesn't stand out, nothing special to make it more fun than any other hold-out games, the zombies don't drop anything; being stuck with one weapon make you get bored so quick, the zombies don't get any more special the more you progress, changing the lives to weapons... like man you just changed an icon, don't take my words as "this game is bad", because as I said "it's just below mediocre" because of how empty the game from new ideas.

-best of luck.


i agree with your points the game is'nt that spcial or fun despite of the art being somewhat good , i'll try to work on that in futrue projects

thank you for your feedback
i still wonder how you manage to find this game

Oh! wow, you actually took this with positivity, don't wanna sound wrong saying this, it's just; for my 10 years on the internet I got used that most indie dev's think that anyone giving crits over their stuff is just a hater, but you here took it like a champ, credit to you, really looking forward for you future works.

Oh and as for how I found this game; I was looking for a survival game and came across your game.


the people giving Crits are the same people you want to sell your game to

and I really do appreciate the time you take to write this down for me to learn and improve from