I can see the concept of this game but I am just not liking it, but I'll start with the positives first. The models in the game look great, the background is pretty good the highlight being the castle you're supposed to defend in the story and the enemies look adorable! The title screen is nice, the sprites look a little weird though but that's nitpicking, and I will admit this is a rather creative concept. Now for the negatives, the enemies gang up on you wayyyy too easily due to the sheer amount spawned in at the start instead of slowly funneling them in as time goes on, Everything being an insta-kill is annoying to me due to the previously mentioned sheer amount of enemies I have to kill but somewhat fair as they die in one hit too, the lack of UI outside of the timer is strange but since there's no health points I understand why there wasn't any, and time stop mechanic feels not that great, don't get me wrong it works! All the enemies stop moving, but so does the player and their arrows, taking away what could have been a chance for the player to clear up some of the enemies leaving me a feeling of "Well now where do I go?" Also despite there being audio settings there is no audio anywhere. I can see this being fun but right now? it's just not for me which is sad cause I love mediaeval fantasy settings and fps games!