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The game at present seems to be monumentally off-kilter on first playthrough. I went in assuming that I would need to conceal information about the actual, you know, Operation Valkyrie. And that in turn I would need to "keep my powder dry" to lie/destroy information about what was truly crucial, such as say Hitler actually surviving the Bunker. So I operated under the assumption that stuff like the Soviets advancing along the East, the Western Allies moving in Tuscany, or even investigations of anti-war literature and stolen V-2 Plans 

But apparently this doesn't work. Because somehow Army Command knowing about some completely different person passing V-2 Secrets off or the fact that Vinnytsa is no longer returning their calls except for in angry Russian compromises or undermines the security of the Valkyrie Plotters. In spite of them being unrelated and there being no particularly logical reason why these things should compromise the security of Operation Valkyrie.

So because of my very damaging and exposing decisions to tell German High Command that a missing soldier returned to base drunk and that the Western Allies are marching on Florence, Stauffenberg doesn't even get to plant the bombs due to some kind of Collective Hive Mind allowing the Gestapo to correlate me telling them about events on the front unrelated (at least directly) to the conspirators to results in them cracking Valkyrie open. Because I'm very sure that information about Soldat Drunkard and Soviet possession of Collective Farm Red October outside Kyiv really endangered the plan.

This tells me the game needs some kind of fundamental re-balancing and re-jiggering. One that puts less emphasis on just the amount of messages you destroy or send through and more on what those messages actually say, with you/the conspiracy suffering far more for say letting news that Hitler survived the bomb plot contrary to what your friends said being far more damaging than = again - the Front Line in the East speaking Russian.

It might also be worth refocusing the game as a whole, for a more tight and narrow experience. Starting it later just before or around the time of the actual Bunker Plot and having to balance communications from the front, the National Socialist loyalists, and the plotters so that the plotters can succeed without it all being foiled by the Nazis getting a clue.