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LOLOL I ALWAYS RELEASE ON FRIDAYS. Both because I feel like it's better for players as they're more likely to have free time with the weekend, and also because I need the weekend myself to recover DJFJFJFII Releases cause me much anxiety and tumult LOL

Awww thank you very much for saying that!! I feel like my biggest worry was people being confused and/or dissatisfied that it's not the finale yet 💦 And/or just being annoyed that I can never keep with my plans LOLOL I JUST CAN'T HELP IT. But I do hope people will still enjoy some of the work that went into this. I swear with each new release I do (either for this or a side game) I learn more and more, so I hope to think the general experience of the game is also improving (this is partly why in the future I also hope to revisit the game and try to "remaster" some of the early parts lolol)

And lolol that's true! People will still have the actual final finale to look forward to even after this 🤭

Yeah,,,,,, the total CG count is getting a little bit ridiculous at this point GOD 💦 And I can only imagine what the finale will add to it eventually 😭 I TRY NOT TO PUSH MYSELF. I just have so many Images and Scenes in my mind I want to fully envision djfjdj AND LOL I'M GLAD THE GALLERY IS HELPFUL. It's true that without it you'd have no way of knowing if you're missing any of the CGs 🤣

Ahhhh thank you in general so much for the support! It really means so much!! 😭💕 And I hope you'll enjoy the new part when it comes out!! 😺 (don't ask me why I put a cat here, I felt compelled)

Ah ha, I want to ask about, if there will be the rotating Carrot animation at the starting process in OW, like StLD? Until Arc5 Part1, it still was a static Carrot.


Hahaha the rotating carrot was because I wanted it to look like the carrot was dancing to match the "dancing" theme of StLD! 🤭 (Similar to how I added a little pop up "!" bubble to the carrot for T2A2G). Unsure if I would ever change the carrot for OW...

I see... I didn't notice the T2A2G details, in that case indeed OW has no reason to change the icon.