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Not a bad game but it does leave alot to be desired, lets start with the positives, the character we play as is quite cute and I enjoy how they look down and in the direction we move in, the controls feel nice and responsive, the countdown timer is not a bad way to do this theme, infact the small amount of UI in game does look good and the jump sound is nice to hear. Now for the two negatives, the lack of UI hurts this game, while the goal of staying out of the lava is (thankfully) obvious, there's no score or survival timer show any sort of progress you have made which sours replayablilty, the fact that there's no background at all confuses me since Godot is really easy to make a scrolling background in 2d games the lack of music also hurts as well. For a game jam game you did a good job

Yeah, in fact I lose motivation in the process of making it. So I just slap in some sound effect and upload it.