Awwww - that's a really nice game! Right from the beginning the fantastic 8-bit music was catching me. And when I saw what you have created, I instantly put it into my colleciton of games I want to show my nephew. He loves playing Jam games - and yours he will like for sure! So there will be two ratings coming. One from me, and one when I played with him (maybe in a week or so).
The general concept is nice - I wasn't joining the GMTK, and when I saw the theme, I knew "I would have NO idea what to do with it". Seing you and others making so much out of it makes me really happy (and also little jealous tbh, because I have so hard times with creating such fresh ideas...)
You made a lot of things right already. The laser pointer is a huge help, if it wouldn't have been there, I would have asked for "something" like this, but you already found the perfect visual feedback.
I discovered the reset button hint in one of the comments below, I also didn't get it while playing, so introducing it in-game would be nice. Some voice-feedback might also be a good improvement - funny statements from teh automaton. Good thing is: It doesn't have to be a natural voice, so an text-to-speach generated voice would sound just right for this. I am thinking of "Will You Snail" - maybe the face of the automaton can be visible for this at all times somewhere on screen - making angry face + statement ("Darn, this was so close!" / "Oh no, it fell!") when nothing is catched, and having a happy "revenge" face when something is on the hook ("Harhar! It is mine again!" "Nice teddy bear! Bring it back to me!").