Neat lil game! Especially for a first attempt in an engine.
I did get stuck though on the first quest though. I found the juice in the trash can but I'm still not able to get the V.I.C off the NPC.
I like the addition of small details such as NPCs turning to speak to you, and the UI going up when you exit, and down when you enter them. I also like the art-style! Simple and sweet.
Stopping movement feels delayed, and collision boxes are a little confusing, but the fundamentals work and that's really all that matters at this point in development.
I really like the inclusion of anti-aliasing, fullscreen, and sound sliders, especially in a tech demo. Saving and loading both work well too which is very nice.
Would recommend a revision of both spelling and grammar though as I noticed some issues.
On the whole, great work so far! Keep at it and hopefully we see another update to this project soon :D