While the tutorial seemed long, it’s amazing you fit so much into it! I could certainly learn something from that haha. Especially since the interface was a joy to use. Et j’apprecie la configuracion.
My biggest complaint is that everything is moving during the tutorial phase. It seems like you lose a big advantage by following the tutorial and reading everything as your hype level just goes down as you read the instructions. Perhaps split it into two phases? Not sure as it seems tough to manage while also keeping the great “skip” option.
Overall, the aesthetics were great, especially all the theming! Albeit I can’t tell if having the themed arcade should boost or reduce hype given purple guy 😉. I really appreciate smaller details like those. Honestly I feel like the big guy starts to look a bit out of place with the overall aesthetics of the rest of the game.
The only other things I can think of are with building. Like making paths easier to build. Might’ve just been me missing something, but I had to place down each tile one by one and it felt like a chore to move my mouse the whole way, whereas making a line for a ride was really smooth. Relatedly, sometimes after creating a building, it seems I couldn’t “unselect” it? Could’ve just been me missing something though.