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Wow! I'm particulary impressed by the customization, and the scoreboard, well done! Maybe the IA is too dangerous, I only managed to kill one, even when I retried. Also when you retry, you can't move anymore. Except these two things, it's pretty impressive for a game jam! 

Thanks Jules! About the AI, I expent a lot of time in the customization, the principal mechanic in the game, so the AI was made in a hurry.  
About this bug, I'll investigate it. Thank you very much for your review!

I think i know this bug, when you reload a scene, it sets the time scale to 0. I think all you got to do is set the time scale to 1 at the beginning of the level


I don't really stop the game after death, I don't set time scale neither pause the game. But I'll take a look and fix it!