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Fun game, there's a lot of tension. Since it's much harder to hit an enemy once they're close to you and sprinting, you have to be a bit cautious and explore slowly. The fog, the music, the low-poly art, it all works well. Short and sweet, it gets the concept across quite well. I wouldn't mind playing a full length game of that. A few notes:

- It's pretty hard to recover the arrows if they hit the ground cause you can't see them!From an enemy it's not so bad because there's better contrast.

- Dying and respawning caused most of the enemies not to spawn, except the very first and the very last encounter. Had to restart the page to get the enemies to spawn normally after death.

- You can definitely "Skyrim" the surrounding terrain (aka sprint and jump up the side of a mountain) and fall off the map, lol

 - It's a little bit laggy on my laptop when you spin around too quickly, not too big a deal but something I noticed