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(1 edit) (+1)

Quartz Royale: There is an intensity to this song that gets my heart pumping. I like the idea of having the base track play and then having adaptive elements added on top of that to create the full track depending on the player’s choices in the game. This would be a cool track to build up to.

Not On My Time: The drums are really cool and give a strong foundation for the track. The tonal elements of this track have a sound reminiscent of Electroplankton which has a very calm vibe to it which would be a good fit for accompanying solving puzzles. Good job and thank you for sharing!

Thank you for your detailed thoughts on both tracks! It's cool you think this would work well for a puzzle game and that my idea for an interactive/adaptive soundtrack made sense.

I just checked out some gameplay footage of Electroplankton and wow! How had I not heard of this before!? Very cool game and it's an honor to have my work compared to it. Also, I read a little of the game's Wikipedia page and this part stood out to me: "Nintendo president Satoru Iwata explained that the unusual reason why director Toshio Iwai's name appears directly on the game's packaging is because he alone had created it." -- hmm, quite interesting for a DS game! As someone who likes reading about game development and experimental music and art, I'll definitely be looking up more info on Iwai and his work!

Thanks again for your review!