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! Spoilers ! ! Spoilers !

Just finished it, and man. Not even sure what to say. The fear and horror in this VN was really cranked up to eleven with this one. Echo made me a little disturbed, but Arches had me full on scared for Cam and Dev, Brian is such a good antagonistic force. Not to mention the high quality SFX of every punch, kick, slam, spurt of blood and breaking of bone only added to the fear and despair with an added squeamish factor. Speaking of despair, despite the fact that everyone makes it out alive, they're certainly not okay. Cam still sees and hears things, sometimes with the voice of the man who caused him so much pain both physically and mentally, the drugs given to him to help alleviate this issue barely work and sometimes cause him even more pain and has guilt over what happened to Artie. Devon is going to copious amounts of stress with trying to keep Cam together, and can't even take out the anger of the monster responsible for it, and Artie now suffers from a stutter and the fact the right side of his body is compromised. Regardless, Cam and Dev do adjust to a new normal despite their trauma together, and Artie has Maria. Despite all the awful things Cam and Dev went through their honestly the healthiest relationship to ever to touch Echo, and watching them reassure each other in dark moments is always so heartwarming to see. They might be both fucked up, maybe for life, but at least they'll be fucked up together. 110/10.



Yeah Brian is so ick