The ebook should be free everywhere—though Amazon is janky enough that 1 person has paid for it, somehow.
The long version of the story is that tRaum Books published my fiction novella, Query. When Rachel & I wanted to re-release The Sad Bastard Cookbook so we could make the free e-book more accessible, we asked Rysz (who runs tRaum), if he could do the updated layout. For his sins, he agreed. (Never agree to do layout on a book with arrows pointing to bits of the text. I'm surprised Rysz is still friends with me after that experience.) We were looking for places besides just Amazon to post the free e-book, since Zon is mega janky and we hate it, but most book sites don't let you publish PDF. Rysz offered to host on his Itch platform. This is a story of tRaum Books, and Rysz specifically, being rad af to his authors.
That said, I really appreciate that you are looking out for authors vanderZwan—Rysz is a gift but not every publisher is as awesome as he is.