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We wanted to keep the ending relatively open, so the only difference in ending should be whether or not the voicemail plays after the credits. We're currently bugfixing for this, as it currently doesn't do this.

The ending is pretty abrupt, and that was mostly a stylistic choice on our end. It was pretty risky, but we wanted to tell a story that wasn't in the standard storytelling format, so it doesn't exactly have an end you would expect from most games. We definitely went for the idea of experiencing the real world, where things often don't wrap up cleanly and nicely. Sometimes, shitty stuff just happens, and people are left to pick up the pieces - or not.

Thanks for playing the game, I hope it was enjoyable even if the ending wasn't what you expected!

Tristan "Wolf" Barber, Watercress Studio Director/CEO

Thanks for the reply. I did like it actually, I just thought maybe something wasn't working right when regardless of which choice I made at the end, both just made the credits roll and bring up the main screen afterwards. 

But assuming that was what you intended (had I not gotten an answer), I would have been left thinking 'i guess choices don't always matter, as life goes on either way'.

Last question, did you draw any influence from the missing Malasya flight, or was that just coincidence?

Last sidenote, I fully expected Cheshire to end up being a remote player, possibly the missing girl or a friend. Like the whole time MC assumed it was just an NPC. 

Anyway, good story, will check out more of your stuff. Any recommendations?
