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What a heck of an addition to FIST! DARK REFLECTIONS is a hugely ambitious work fitting an ULTRA class jam. The real star of the show here is OPERATION FROG EATER, a modular megabase with procgen elements in the style of MANDELBROT SET pushed to ludicrous heights. Connecting interior and exterior rooms is a joy that sets my brain alight, I absolutely adore it. It makes me want to learn scripting languages to make a tool to autobuild iterations of the Lyagushka complex.

Playing as CROs is sick as hell. The rules for it are clean and intuitive. Coming from over a decade of roleplaying on forums and discord servers, PvPvE is one of the things I see often in freeform RP (I hear it called FKR in tabletop spaces???) and not so much on the table. DR deserves a deep dive for how it converses with the other game jam entry FIST: TACTICS.

I would like to see two major changes: the first one is preference that I think I could just do in my home game, which is expand and improve the loot available on the Lyagushka map tiles. I feel like part of the appeal of PvPvE games is "riding dirty" and trying to extract with loot, and I think that GMs will need to be liberal with their crate drops to make extraction feel thrilling and tempting--or give a lot of visibility to the parts of CYCLOPS's briefings where they're extracting various anomalous materials. The other problem I have is the formatting; the tables are a little rough right now. Easily fixed but it really breaks the flow of map generation, which is the absolutely coolest part of the map.