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Good art, but very minimal gameplay and story so far, so I'll refrain from giving this a rating. A couple things that stood out to me as possible flaws, though:

The progress bars while farming seem kind of pointlessly annoying. It just seems like... a very artificial way of slowing down the pace of things.

The various vegetables you grow are all pretty much the same aside from the rapidly increasing costs that just makes each new one strictly better than all the ones before. Except for cabbages, since those grow in just 1 day compared to everything else's 2, but cabages sell for so little they are basically worthless after the first few days.

The costs for both buying and selling increase at an absolutely ludicrous rate; $100 per tomato, so you can easily skip past whatever the $50 vegetable was straight to tomatos, then within just a couple harvests of tomatos you can buy one of every gift (of which you will need only 4).

The conversations and choices of gift items you give Amelia frequently seem like responses to conversation choices that you have not yet picked.

Though I was paying attention to everything Amelia said... from a gameplay/progression perspective, there is honestly no reason to. It's just a simple linear progression of:
1. Talk to her exactly once per day, pick conversation choice (which one doesn't matter), repeat until heart is full.
2. Give gift. Pick special unique one time conversation choice, which one still doesn't matter. Receive provocative picture.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all 4 hearts are full. Have short sex scene. All future interactions with her are now that sex scene.

Even though this is an early alpha, with multiple hints at things that things that will be introduced in future updates, the sheer lack of anything to do sticks out. By the end, after I had over $3000 from a couple tomato harvests on top of all the gift items, I didn't even bother farming anymore. For a few days, the "daily routine" was just, wake up, talk to Amelia, go back to sleep.

Finally, the bit about "due to browser constraints, the web version comes with a few limitations"... I am skeptical of, and worried about. I have played a lot of web games over the years (H-games and otherwise), and they can be *really* complex and elaborate. This, in its current state, is the opposite of that... and yet, it seemed to take up a lot of memory when it was first loading in? I can't think of what could possibly be causing it to take up so much space. The art is good, but not that good, and I can't think of any art style that really would be? There just ain't that many assets that I can see. And though music and sounds can take up a lot of space, there isn't much of that either. Is it some sort of coding efficiency issue? If so, you should really, really get on fixing whatever fundamental coding thing is causing this while the game is still small and young. Otherwise, it won't be just the web version that is constrained by file sizes.


I wholeheartedly agree on all points.


Hey! 🌟 Thanks a bunch for sharing your thoughts and insights – we really appreciate it! Your suggestions are super valuable, and we’ll definitely bring them up with the team in our next meeting. 🤝🗣️

You’ve highlighted some interesting points, like the progress bars and the balance. Your take on Amelia’s interactions and gameplay progression is pretty on point too.

As for the browser limitations stuff, we hear you. We’re all about optimizing and making the game as awesome as possible, so we’ll dig into that and work on making things sleeker and smoother. Your input is pure gold, and it’s helping us shape the game into something great. Thanks again and stay tuned for more updates! 🚀🎮