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That was... something.

It has an aesthetic and overall style that's perfect for SBIG. I don't want to spoil the intro sequence too much, but it was hilarious. The blocky models, butchered storyline, and flat text-to-speech work well together.

The soldier models are surprisingly good and stand out a bit against the very blocky helicopters, but between that and the inexplicable alien enemies it does give it a sort of "lazy asset flip" feel.

If there's one complaint it's that it's a mediocre at best FPS at its core and it doesn't always do enough to distract from that. While the weapon animations are amusing and your allies are hilarious if useless, and there are some surprises, for a big chunk of the game I was just taking potshots at aliens from beyond their attack range.

I made it to Nixon Hell and survived a while, but then fell off and died. Not sure if that sequence is meant to be winnable. It was definitely a neat twist to see after falling through the ground in what I initially thought was a glitch, but then it became a slog of horde survival with no clear goal.

Overall, though, it goes a long way on initial presentation alone.