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As it has OPL2LPT support, is there also support for normal Sound Blaster / Adlib OPL-2 audio? I couldn't get OPL audio to work on DOSBox yet...

Also, is it fine to include this game on the DOS Game Jam Demo Disc?

I would be honoured if you do...but this was actually only on the CGA Jam.

My only game on the (MS-)DOS Game Jam was the 32-bit version of Derelict (, but I guess you're referring to another game jam?

Yes, it's a nice game and CGA Jam fits nicely, even if it's not a "DOS Game Jam", strictly speaking. We'll probably also include some non-Jam or even non-Itch games to round out the collection.

Sadly, no - this was the first time I was working with the OPL chip. But since my other games do have Adlib/SB support, if you give me a couple of days, I can fix this.

If you have the time, that'd be great :) I'm beginning to make a list of games and ask for permission, so there's still at least a few weeks time to make a new build.

OK, got Adlib and OPL2LPT working fine. PC Speaker works well, but oddly, there's some delay with the sound starting. It's been a while since I last touched this interrupt handling code.

Also got VGA graphics to work, but it will still use the CGA art (but at least there will be no dithering and potentially faster).

I hope to ship this by tomorrow, if that's OK. 

(1 edit)

OK, got some improvements there. The timing of things still is a bit wonky, but got a lot better.

Unfortunately, since this was my first "big" game for DOS, there are still some issues I might never really fix without a big rewrite.

Following this V2.1, I might end up doing this big overhaul, but it would take quite a long time. Meanwhile, this new version should be enough for the compilation :)

Thanks, updated to v2.1 :)