camera movement and player movement are incorrectly implemented, either not multiplied by deltat time properly or something else is off.
Thx 4 the feedback. I agree the mouse sensitivity is inconsistent across builds. From what I can gather, GetAxis functions shouldn't need to be multiplied by deltaTime as Unity handles that automatically, but what I also found out was that the sensitivity on WebGL is naturally much higher because of what it defines as a 'pixel' of space. Instead of fiddling too hard with that I've just tweaked the code a bit and increased the range of mouse sensitivity from the pause menu. As for the movement, that should now also be consistent across platforms/framerates.
mouse sensitivity was definitely affected by fps, and atleast according to
there is no multiplication by delta time done before giving it to the user.
Yeah that's the confusing thing, it was kind of the community vs. Unity on that one. If I update this game again I'll look deeper into it but I think I'll just have to let the sensitivity slider be the solution, and keep working on my new game for now, where I have better debug tools to test stuff like that. 👍 Thx again for the feedback.