Thank you for trying! I built on Windows and wasn't able to test on Mac, is there a process for making it work correctly?
First: Here's my fixed copy of the game if you'd like to just share this with your players. I'd suggest just downloading it and uploading it in place of your current mac version: "fix"
FYI, I played again and it still goes to a black screen at the beginning of the second level. But at least the driving portion works.
If they have the existing version of your game, here's the steps I followed:
- Download
- Extract to a folder called "Barbenheimer_Mac"
- Inside "Barbenheimer_Mac", create a new folder called "Contents"
- Copy all other files/folders inside "Barbenheimer_Mac" into "Contents" (in the end, "Contents" should be the only folder inside "Barbenheimer_Mac" with everything else being in sub-folders
- Rename the folder "Barbenheimer_Mac" to a file ""
- right-click (or ctrl-click) on "" and choose "Show Package Contents"
- Navigate to "/Contents/MacOS" and find the file called "Barebenheimer" ( it should have a white page icon)
- Open a Terminal window
- In terminal, type in the following command (without quotes) but DO NOT press enter: "chmod +x "
- Drag "Barbenheimer" from the finder window to the terminal window. Now your terminal should read something like "chmod +x /Users/yourname/Downloads/Babenheimer_Mac/MacOS/Barbenheimer"
- press enter. The white page icon in finder should turn into a terminal icon
- Should be good to go, now when you double-click on "" the game should start.
I might try installing the Linux version later.