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Was not expecting that twist, even still I enjoyed the game a lot. I had to literally step away from a solid 5 minutes. My favorite character would have to be Adrian. Love his good ending. Also, Callum is just......that's just wrong.

Thank you for playing our game and leaving your comment! Personally we are quite surprised that you, and a number of other people who commented later than you, like Adrian the most, mainly because we (the people that created this game) have a love-hate relationship with this man during game production.

Also I'm not really sure which part about Callum or his route you find wrong, but thank you for enjoying the game nonetheless!


AHH! Sorry for a late reply, you may never even see, but I will still explain myself. I just felt bad throughout Callum's route (I went for Adrian first since he's what drew me to the game design wise).  So I knew going in, poor Phil.

It's okay, I have notifications on for replies HAHAHA

Yeah, Callum's route is probably the saddest in the sense that he didn't deserve it the most. The decision to do that was mine, kinda. The whole theme we had (or I had) while producing this game was "we support women's rights AND women's wrongs" so I wanted to make the MC absolutely irredeemable. 

I think with both Chase and Adrian's routes you could argue that the MC was somewhat justified (Chase being an ass and Adrian being... Adrian), so I wanted a route where you couldn't argue that at all. Sorry Phil, but sacrifices must be made for the greater good. 😔