love the simplicity. found from youtube
i got used to the o/p controls pretty quickly , but i see you are intending to add control changing in the future
felt like i wanted to be able to swap pieces that were already placed, without removing them to the piece box - but it looks like returning to the piece box is a key part of the gameplay design, like when filling a jigsaw puzzle on a real table
i feel like the piece box could be expanded as part of the gameplay by making the pieces start jumbled before they are picked up (like flipping and sorting jigsaw pieces when starting a puzzle)
depending how relaxing/challenging you want the game to be: it would be neat to see a little bonus tracker for placing a piece without bringing it back to the box, or for placing the next piece auto selected (combo), or for placing all of the pieces very quickly
I think it might be less confusing for players if the piece box is on screen at the same time as the board, this might mean you have to have an option to have a smaller piece box and find a good spot to place it onscreen
maybe there could be animations for pieces when they are placed correctly/incorrectly? (late late polish type stuff)